General terms
The General terms and conditions of Joker Media Rental are binding for all users of this website. Any use of this site means that you are acquainted in detail with the general terms of use and agree unconditionally to follow them. If you do not agree with them, please do not use this site.
The website is property of Joker Media Rental and its contents and is subject to copyright within the meaning of the Copyright Act and its related rights.
These General terms and conditions regulate the relationship between Joker Media Rental and all parties using using the website.
These Terms and Conditions may be unilaterally modified by Joker Media Rental at any time by updating them. Changes take effect as soon as they are posted on the site and are binding on all users/clients. It is your responsibility as a client/user to keep track of any changes.
“WE”, “Joker Media Rental”, “THE COMPANY” means Joker Media Rental Ltd., with headquarters and principal place of business: city of Sofia, Lozenec residential quarters, 1 Krum Popov, Str., registered in the Commercial register of Registry agency with UIC: 201190219.
“USER” – means a person who uses the website’s features;
“CONSUMER” – means a consumer in the meaning of the CPA;
“GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS” - means these general terms and conditions. By clicking on any link, button or application available on the site, with the exception of the link pointing to these terms and conditions, you expressly and unconditionally agrees to these general terms and conditions for using the website
The website can be viewed freely without registration.
Information for users
Call +359 888 328311 to get all the information pursuant to Art.4 of the CPA, relevant to all services presented in the website.
All information presented on this site is valid only at the time of its presentation. Joker Media Rental reserves the right to change it at any time without notice. It is the user's responsibility to check the website’s terms of use, as well as the information on services, etc., so that he/she is promptly informed of any changes which may have occurred thereupon. If the provision of information and/or documents is required for the execution of services, the users/ clients are to make these available to the Joker Media Rental in due time. Insofar, as services are required to be provided at client’s premises, the users are to grant the required access to Joker Media Rental.
We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damages resulting from the use of or the inability to use this website, or for the unrightful use of any information accessible through the links on this website. We shall not be liable for greater force. The existing Bulgarian legislation shall apply for all issues not settled in these general terms and conditions.